- 2024-01-07: Publication v1.0
- 2024-07-03: Mention dedicated EV Accumulator inspection/charging area pass
Important Points
- CV TI contains:
- Pre-Inspection
- Mechanical Inspection
- Vehicle Weighing
- Tilt Test
- Noise Test
- Brake Test
- EV TI contains:
- Pre-Inspection
- Accumulator Inspection
- Mechanical Inspection
- LV Electrical Inspection
- HV Electrical Inspection
- Vehicle Weighing
- Tilt Test
- Rain Test
- Brake Test
- Optional DV Cup TI contains:
- Pre-Inspection
- Accumulator Inspection(EV only)
- Mechanical Inspection
- LV Electrical Inspection(EV only)
- HV Electrical Inspection(EV only)
- Autonomous Systems Inspection
- Vehicle Weighing
- Tilt Test,
- Rain Test(EV only)
- Brake Test
- EBS test
- Noise Test(CV only)
Important Notes
- The officials may inspect other points not mentioned on the technical inspection sheet to ensure compliance with the rules.
- Teams are responsible for confirming that their vehicle and the required equipment satisfy the requirements and restrictions of the rules before presenting it for technical inspection.
- Vehicles must be presented for technical inspection in ready-to-race condition.
- The officials reserve the right to prohibit the use of parts that could pose a safety risk to drivers, track marshals or the environment.
- The vehicle must maintain all required specifications throughout the competition.
- We strongly advise teams to prepare well for all mechanical and electrical parts – know your car! Long phone consultations with your teammates at home will not be accepted.
Inspection Responsible Person
- To accelerate the technical inspection process, the team must appoint one team member as the inspection responsible person. [EV ONLY] For electrical inspection and accumulator inspection this has to be an ESO.
Inspection responsible person must be:
- Familiar with the vehicle.
- Able to show compliance of the vehicle with all points mentioned on the technical inspection sheet.
- Able to perform the technical inspection autonomously observed by the officials, when asked.
Should the inspection responsible person be unable to perform one of these requirements, or the vehicle and all necessary items are not ready, the technical inspection will be aborted and the team will be asked to leave the technical inspection area.
Technical Inspection Management
Schedule and Time Management
- Team may register for technical inspection attempt only when they are ready.
- Technical inspection requests will be handled by the virtual queue system. Login will be possible through the or QR code displayed in the pits (only team captain). No physical lanes will be formed for technical inspections.
- Once the team is ready for the 1st attempt of technical inspections, the team representative (only team captain) fills in an online form. The team is not allowed to enter the 1st attempt of technical inspections before this procedure.
- Teams are staying in the pit and when the time slot for the dedicated team is ready, the Official will notify Team Captain by email and pick them up to enter the 1st attempt of technical inspections.
- Every next attempt of technical inspections is also managed by the online form system with priority setting first come, first served but teams with significantly less attempts might be prioritized.
- 1st attempt of the technical inspections is always prioritized over the 2nd attempt.
- There will be 8 accumulator inspection, 6 EV inspection and 3 CV inspection slots
- FSE teams are allowed to be in queue for accumulator and mechanical inspection at the same time
How Does It Work

Technical Inspection Rules
- Pre-inspection is not limited in time and will be performed in the pit automatically after first attempt registration.
- Repeated technical inspection attempts must be requested via the same form as standard technical inspection attempts (
- Be prepared – have all your necessary documents, tools, equipment, and car ready for the whole technical inspection attempt.
- Technical inspection takes place in the dynamic area – only 4 team members with dynamic passes and 1 team member with media pass are allowed to accompany the car. Team member with a media pass can not touch the car or participate in the technical inspection procedure in
any way.
Electric Cars:
- Team has dedicated time for the technical inspection attempts:
Technical inspection | Maximum time for one attempt | Fixing time for one attempt |
Accumulator Inspection | 2 hours | Mandatory fixing, 15 minutes |
Electrical Inspection (LV+HV) | 2 hours | Mandatory fixing, 15 minutes |
Mechanical Inspection | 75 minutes | 15 minutes |
Autonomous System Inspection (optional DV cup only) | 30 minutes | – |
- Mandatory fixing (Accumulator Inspection and Electrical Inspection):
- Up to 15 minutes from the total attempt time may be used for fixing the eventual violations against the rules.
- If “Maximum time for one attempt” of total time or 15 minutes of fixing time runs out, the technical inspection attempt ends, and the team must leave the technical inspection slot immediately.
- If there is a rules violation team must start with fixing or leave the technical inspection slot immediately.
- Technical inspection stages must be performed in the following order: Accumulator inspection, LV inspection, HV inspection, Autonomous inspection (if applicable). Mechanical inspection can be performed in parallel with Accumulator inspection or separately, but must be finished before LV inspection.
- During time for problem-solving, the technical inspection can continue with other points from technical inspection sheet if possible (cumulative fixing timer is not stopped).
- The accumulator must remain quarantined in the charging tent for one hour after finishing charging. If this quarantine exceeds pit closing time, the accumulator will remain there overnight. In this case, the team has to pick up their accumulator the next day, no later than 30 minutes
after pit opening time.
Accumulator inspection and charging area has dedicated pass. This pass grants the team member permission to enter the dynamic area and entry to accumulator inspection/charging area only. Entry to other parts of dynamic area with this only this pass is prohibited and will be penalized.
Combustion Cars:
- Team has dedicated time for the technical inspection attempts:
Technical inspection | Maximum time for one attempt | Fixing time for one attempt |
Mechanical Inspection | 75 minutes | 15 minutes |
Autonomous System Inspection (optional DV cup only) | 30 minutes | – |
- Fixing (Mechanical Inspection):
- Up to 15 minutes from the total attempt time may be used for fixing the eventual violations against the rules.
- If “Maximum time for one attempt” of total time or 15 minutes of fixing time runs out, the technical inspection attempt ends, and the team must leave the technical inspection slot immediately.